Fallen Branches Plant Roots
May 31-June 9 at Kitchen Theatre Company
Fallen Branches Plant Roots is a story of family, chosen family, and what it means to show up for one another. Set in Ithaca, NY, the play follows the stories of several community members affected by the criminal justice system, as well as those with an impacted family member, as they navigate their journeys towards connection & healing.

an original musical by the
ReEntry Theatre Program
Pictured above: The above image shows artwork with the title 'Fallen Branches Plant Roots' pictured in the dirt and written as if the words are roots. Above the dirt is four colorful houses with people dancing and interacting with music notes surrounding them.
Pictured Above: The cast of "Fallen Branches Plant Roots," posing for a photograph onstage. Pictured, from left: Niya Foster (Qween Niya), Candace Foster, Leroy Barrett, Eden Coyne, Amy Heffron, Michael Rhynes, Casandra Ponton, and Achille Vann Ricca
Photo by Casey Martin
Leroy Barrett
Eden Coyne
Candace Foster
Niya Foster
Amy Heffron
Casandra Ponton
Thomas Jones (with understudy Achille Vann Ricca)
Michael Rhynes
Directed by:
Gabriella da Silva Carr, Julia Taylor,
and Assistant Director Michael Rhynes
For full production credits, including musical numbers, view our digital program from Fallen Branches Plant Roots.
Thank you to our production sponsors and grantmakers!
This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts

Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this production do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

This program is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

This project was made possible in part by a grant from the Tompkins County Tourism Program.